Tuesday, March 15, 2011

When the spice ceases to flow all eyes will turn to arrakis

   Here is a video with noam chomsky going on about some stuff, If you can sit through it you are probably made of stronger stuff than I. Not that I actually expect anyone being labeled as the "mouthpiece of the left" to actually articulate any points beyond "WAAAAAH" or "I TOLD U SO! I TOLD U SO!"  but im particularly annoyed at noam here. Goddamnit noam, I get it, you make your whole career playing counter point to the kissingers in the world, chanting down thinly veiled colonialism, and supporting your own brand of intelligent whatever it is you support, wait, no, I forgot, noam chomsky doesnt actually support anything for fear he might be one the wrong side of history, never supports anything for fear he will lose left wing "street cred". Instead he just makes empty rhetorical left wing "crit" of american colonialism all while taking his paycheck from the well head of the military industrial complex, MIT. Oh wait, that would be a cynical and heartless reading of his personality and thats noams shtick, not mine. Look into the abyss and it looks into you etc etc. Gotta quit writing first thing in the morning, anyway . . .

   He laments the fact that the united states has supported horrible dictatorships in north africa, then refuses to help the rebels over some hand wringing politically correct none sense about "the poor dont have the luxury to forget history". Doesnt he realise by NOT arming and supporting these protests that he is aiding and maintaining a brutal dictator ship? What kind of blatant hypocrisy is this? How is it that russia, china, saudi arabia, barack obama and noam chomsky are all holding handing and singing kumbaya on this issue? How is it that the left and right wing intellectual and political powers are so completely allied against the thing they sing loudest about, freedom from coercive abuse and self determination? Politics makes awfully strange bedfellows yet again.  Even more bizarre, the only traction the libyan people are getting is coming from the fucking french, as they where the first to recognize the interim government. Even this however is more or less just empty rhetoric about "dialog" and more hate speech (get it, im calling diplomacy hate speed, its a joke, kind of) . Its only under the cover of diplomacy and political dialog that you could publicly condone air strikes on protesters by foreign mercenaries and get away with it without the left "condemning these actions".

   Moreover chomsky flat out states that "we are not asked to do anything". We are not asked to do anything? what about the no fly zones? What happened to all that crap about the horrors of first world imperialism? Again in his own words "these freedoms are illusory if you let them be illusory". I suppose we can best make up for our past crimes of supporting and aiding dictators by . . . doing nothing to support anyone who wants to fight those same dictators? Chocolate rain if I ever heard it. And why the fuck do all these trolls keep acting like america has been supporting kadafi? I get it, we support some dictators but lets not get crazy, sometime we do the right thing and bomb the shit out of them. Give us credit for that at least. Im glad some of our allies have their priorities strait though, after month long protests in bahrain the saudis have sent more than a 1000 troops over just the other day . . . to attack and shut down the protests. No wonder my generation spends so much time on the internet, its the only place liberty and community exists anymore.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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