Friday, September 9, 2011
The myth of subjectivity
Probably like, the most irritating thing of trying to make sense of the world is the almost (sometime) complete inability to tie down and keep track of anything. Be it moral or ethical boundaries, the changing face of culture, the shape of a political debate and a whole slew of other maniacal little things. All around us, in our society of permissivity this subjectivity is touted as an undeniable fact. The world is a highly subjective place, different cultures, changing opinions, vying incentives. People will tell you that nothing is absolute (without irony). This inability to quantify and create objective realities are (obviously?) interrelated positions. Without independent empirical quantities how can we ever create any objective position? Some seem to think this is the inherit state of things. But, personally, this violates my own sense of cosmic justice. I, while I was drinking champagne in the shower half an hour ago, posited a different notion. That we have got everything specifically backwards. There is no subjectivity, subjectivity is a cultural myth. A "natural" "reality" that is culture dependent. There is no such thing as subjectivity. It does not exist. There is only obscured objectivity. Subjectivity was just something we made up to make ourselves feel better about not being able to explain what the fuck is going on (see also; religion, philosophy, etc etc). The entire social reality, the culture and history of every nation known and unknown is really just deterministic chaos. Its like the whole wisdom of crowds thing. Collectively societies are very predictable, opinions are quantifiable. In a broad look at things, on say for instance a national scale we see only trends of inevitability. On the personal level we are only momentarily blinded by the myth of subjectivity. Its like that quip voltaire had "why do you want what you want?"(what fucking book was that again?) Freedom of will is more of less just chaos we dont yet entirely understand because we cant quantify or compute the variables.
Ok I needed a line break, anyway. If we follow this to the next logical step, further down the rabbit hole, we see only molecular forces and electrons and cellular division which is more or less a predictable and ordinary sequence of events. Not everything is obvious to us yet of course. Science has not penetrated all of these depths. But as we penetrates further and further into the mind, deeper and deeper into the chaos of "subjective reality" all we find is order, more and more order. Subjectivity as we know it is fleeing objectivity and has been more or less since the dawn of mankind. Trying to save itself like darkness from the light.