Online Cash Bitcoin Could Challenge Governments, Banks:
"Because Bitcoin is an open-source project, and because the database exists only in
the distributed peer-to-peer network created by its users, there is no Bitcoin company
to raid, subpoena or shut down. Even if the site were taken offline and the
Sourceforge project removed, the currency would be unaffected. Like BitTorrent, taking
down any of the individual computers that make up the peer-to-peer system would have
little effect on the rest of the network. And because the currency is truly anonymous,
there are no identities to trace."
the distributed peer-to-peer network created by its users, there is no Bitcoin company
to raid, subpoena or shut down. Even if the site were taken offline and the
Sourceforge project removed, the currency would be unaffected. Like BitTorrent, taking
down any of the individual computers that make up the peer-to-peer system would have
little effect on the rest of the network. And because the currency is truly anonymous,
there are no identities to trace."